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Poisson's Ratio

An In-Depth Look

Poisson's Ratio: An In-Depth Look

Introduction to Poisson’s Ratio

Poisson’s ratio is a fundamental mechanical property of materials that describes the ratio of transverse strain to axial strain when a material is subjected to uniaxial stress. Named after the French mathematician Siméon Denis Poisson, it plays a crucial role in understanding material deformation under various loading conditions.

Definition and Formula

When a material is stretched or compressed along one axis, it tends to expand or contract along the perpendicular directions. Mathematically, Poisson’s ratio (ν) is expressed as:

ν = - (Transverse Strain / Axial Strain) = - (Δd/d) / (ΔL/L)


  • Δd: Change in diameter (or lateral dimension)
  • d: Original diameter
  • ΔL: Change in length
  • L: Original length

The negative sign accounts for the fact that an increase in axial length usually results in a decrease in lateral dimensions and vice versa.

Range of Poisson’s Ratio

Poisson’s ratio varies between materials:

  • For most materials, 0 < ν < 0.5.
  • A ratio close to 0.5 indicates nearly incompressible materials (e.g., rubber).
  • Negative Poisson’s ratios are found in auxetic materials, which expand laterally when stretched.

Poisson’s Ratio and Elastic Moduli

Poisson’s ratio is intrinsically linked to other elastic properties of materials, including the Shear Modulus (G) and Bulk Modulus (K) where E is Young's Modulus.

Shear Modulus (G):

G = E / [2(1 + ν)]

Where E is the Young's Modulus.

Bulk Modulus (K):

K = E / [3(1 - 2ν)]

These relationships illustrate how Poisson’s ratio connects the deformation characteristics of a material under shear and volumetric stress.


  • Materials with high Poisson’s ratio (ν) will have lower shear modulus (G) for a given Young's modulus (E).
  • A Poisson’s ratio close to 0.5 implies high resistance to volume change (high K) but allows for significant shape deformation.

Applications of Poisson’s Ratio

  • Engineering Design: Understanding deformation in structures.
  • Material Science: Tailoring materials for specific applications, such as auxetics in protective gear.
  • Finite Element Analysis (FEA): Accurate simulation of stress and strain fields.

Table: Common Materials and Their Poisson’s Ratios

MaterialPoisson’s Ratio (ν)
Rubber0.49 – 0.50
Steel0.27 – 0.30
Concrete0.20 – 0.25
Glass0.18 – 0.30
Auxetic MaterialsNegative (-0.1 to -0.8)

Negative Poisson’s Ratio: Auxetics

Auxetic materials, characterized by their negative Poisson’s ratios, are an exciting area of research. These materials expand perpendicular to applied tension, offering unique properties like enhanced energy absorption and fracture resistance.


  1. Poisson, S.D. (1828). Memoir on the equilibrium and movement of elastic solids. Journal de l'École Polytechnique.
  2. Gere, J.M., & Timoshenko, S.P. (1997). Mechanics of Materials. Brooks/Cole.
  3. Ashby, M.F., & Jones, D.R.H. (2012). Engineering Materials 1: An Introduction to Properties, Applications and Design. Butterworth-Heinemann.
  4. Lakes, R. (1987). Foam structures with a negative Poisson's ratio. Science, 235(4792), 1038-1040.


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